Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh the wind, the wind and the rain - the aftermath

Still very breezy this morning but, thankfully, the garden has been almost unscathed.  I've some staking to do for my Iochroma grandiflora which returned strongly from the roots after losing the top growth over winter.  The thin stems of Abutilon 'Waltz' need tying back into the house wall and my 'Graham Thomas' shrub rose is listing over the front garden wall and needs some support.  Other than that it's just some clearing up of fallen leaves and twigs.  Looks like my inadequate shelter belt has worked.

1 comment:

  1. That's good to hear you were largely unaffected. Very stormy here now but probably not as bad as was predicted for the south coast. Unsettling weather, it's June and it feels autumnal!
